Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bouquet Garni, It's Necessary!

My first job was at Crabtree and Evelyn, I was 16 years old. I remember coming across a box of Bouquet Garni in our food section. "What the hell is this, and why would anyone spend this much on a cheesecloth ball of herbs?" You don't have to spend alot. You don't have to go the classic route and buy a ton of herbs and wrap in cheesecloth. If you have started an herb collection for the summer, just snip what you like and put into a tea ball, or simply tie a sprig of thyme, a bay leaf and several stalks of parsley together.
Right now you can easily pick up herb bundles at the Farmer's Market for $1 each!
You just want to add a savory hint and be able to lift the bouquet garni away, without all the herbs floating about in your recipe.

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